What gold’s new playbook is telling equity investors

What gold’s new playbook is telling equity investors

At the end of the Mahabharata war, Yudhishthira, the leader of the Pandavas, is overwhelmed with guilt and grief over the massacre of his relatives. Looking to boost his flagging spirits, Lord Krishna and sage Vyasa advise him to perform the Ashvamedha Yagna—an extravagant and elaborate ceremony meant to demonstrate the suzerainty of Vedic kings. … Read more

Some international funds are still open for investments. Here’s a list.

Some international funds are still open for investments. Here’s a list.

Fund of funds (FoFs) that invest in overseas exchange traded funds (ETFs) will stop accepting fresh inflows from 1 April as the mutual fund industry is close to hitting its $1-billion limit to invest in overseas ETFs. However, investors can still diversify globally as some international funds have headroom to invest in international stocks. These … Read more